I really didn't mean for it to be so long but time sure does get away. Every time I would think to post some of my latest work I would think "well let me just sew up this one last thing". You know how that goes, one thing leads to another and it's time to put away sewing and get to work. BLAH!!!!
So here is my BIG decision.......I am going to write a post first thing Monday morning to show what I have been up to the past week. I'm sure I'll miss one here and there but, hopefully, if won't be two months of Mondays missed!!
Without further ado, here are some of my latest finishes....
Various Bags
A Kindle Cover
A Lunch Bag and some Pillows
and, finally, a Steering Wheel Cover for little old me!!
Until next time...Have a Quilt Worthy day!!