I had Mr Random pick my winner and he chose #101. I would love to post the pick of the Mr Random widget but I can't figure out how!!! So, anyway #101 was Laura. I have contacted her by email and will have her basket and scraps out this week. Congrats to Laura and a HIGE thanks to all those who left a comment! I love Give Away day and hope to see you all in MAY for the next one!!
Today is the day folks!! It's time for another Sew Mama Sew giveaway day. This will be my very first time participating as a "giver"!! So I'm not going to write a long post I'm just going to get right to the good stuff! This time around I am going to send to US only just because of the expense of sending international. I am already broke from buying presents!! Hehe! Next time I promise to include my over seas friends. So I wanted to give away something I made but I thought....why not get rid of add in a pile of scraps. I have two HUGE bags of scraps that never seem to go down no matter how much I dip into them. This is a win win giveaway! Someone wins the scraps and I have room in the bag when I make more scraps!! And who doesn't love other peoples scraps?!
I am going to make a fabric basket like the one above. I will not be using holiday fabric since it will probably not make it to its new home with much tie to spare for Christmas. The items above will not be included either. Instead I am going to stuff that thing so full of scraps it will feel like a Thanksgiving turkey!! I would show a pic of my scraps but they are all just thrown in big bags an are all wrinkled and not very presentable! The scraps are all sizes, colors and themes! Oh, and the winner can pick a favorite color for the basket. Just leave me a comment about any old thing to be entered. One comment per person please! Now to figure out whether to put this in Handmade or Supplies!!! Have fun everyone! No More Entries Accepted. Time To Pick A Winner!!!
I was going to write a post about the Christmas presents I have completed since Thanksgiving. I thought that posting my progress would keep me on track to finish all I need to make BEFORE 2AM Christmas morning!!! Good intentions and all that malarkey!!
So I wake up this morning and go through my routine of deleting the five thousand emails telling me how to cure what ails me, enlarge things, lose weight, buy the best____ I've ever owned and a myriad of other things. Once all the important spam was out of the way I move on to the good stuff....quilt related emails! I notice that there is an email from ChrisWDesigns in there. I LOVE her patterns (and herself!) so I click in to it right away. And what to my wondering eyes does appear?!!!!! No, no Down Under reindeer!!!! A brand new bag club venture hosted by another of my faves, Sew Sweetness. I could hardly believe my eyes!!! A membership into their VERY exclusive club comes with a brand new bag pattern on the first of every month for 6 months from 6 different designers. I have bought patterns from most of them and, I must say, they were all very well written. There will also be a Facebook page set up for any and all questions that club members may have regarding the construction process. How cool is that?! It will be a community of bag makers!! So, as I'm reading about the club I'm thinking bag patterns are usually $10 - $12 a piece. Since this is a club the price will probably be a little less than the cost of six individual pattern, right? I'm thinking maybe $50. So that's cool because I loved all the previous bags by these designers so I know these six will be great. BUT WAIT!!! I get to the bottom of the post and Chris is trying to tell me that it's only $40 to join. WHAAAAAATT!!! That's even better because I just got paid $40 for a bag I made for a customer!! Holy snowman Charlie Brown! How perfect is that?! BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE......if you join in the month of December it's only $35!! There really is a Santa Claus Virginia!! That's less than 6 bucks a pattern. I think it took me all of two minutes to click over to Sew Sweetness and sign myself up! Merry Christmas to me!! So if you want to join in on this club, and you know you want to, click on over HERE and sign on up. All the cool kids are doing it!!! Come on, I want to see lots of finished bag pics on Facebook.
Hopefully tomorrow I will get up my present progress report! Come on back and check out my stuff!!